Parent Support Group
St. Mary's Primary School has a long history of well established close links with parents and a thriving Parent Support Group. All parents are automatically members of the PSG. The committee is a voluntary group of parents who are willing to work on behalf of all the parents, planning social activities and fund-raising events throughout the school year.
The PSG Committee meet in the school from time to time, normally once or twice a term and thanks to the support of all parents and teachers, they make a lot of money for the school and all of the children benefit from their fund-raising efforts.
In the past few years, the PSG has presented the school with:
32 IPads Equipment for the playground
5 SEN IPads
£200 for each class for resources and equipment
Numeracy scheme
2 Interactive Whiteboards
Some of the events they have organised have included Ladies Night, Movie Nights, Quiz night and Christmas and Easter raffles. In addition the PSG help out at school events, such as First Communion tea and our annual Sports Day.

St. Mary's Primary School, 123 Granemore Road Tassagh Armagh Co Armagh BT60 2NJ
Phone: (028) 37 538 018