Working hard on Lexia
15th Mar 2014
Well done to all the boys and girls who have been working hard on developing their linguistic phonics skills and understanding using the Lexia programme.
This interactive work is a great learning resource which most pupils are enjoying using.
Thank you to Mrs Reilly for introducing, supporting and managing the use of the programme.
TP Lexia Cert
DK Named photo
KMcC Lexia cert
Lexia cert 2014 EC AD AR
JL Lexia cert
Lexia cert 2014 P2
Lexia cert 2014 P2
Lexia cert 2014 P5 CC DL SK JL EC
KMcC Lexia cert
CI ML SD Lexia certs
DK Named Lexia cert
EMcG Lexia cert
Lexia cert 2014 CL DR
Lexia cert 2014 CS ML
St. Mary's Primary School, 123 Granemore Road Tassagh Armagh Co Armagh BT60 2NJ
Phone: (028) 37 538 018