Access Keys:

St. Mary's Primary School, 123 Granemore Road Tassagh Armagh

A Great Day Out

26th Jun 2014

The children from Primary 1, 2, 3 and 4 went on their end of year trip to Scallywags and Tannaghmore Gardens in Craigavon.

The children had a great day and thankfully the weather was lovely for them to enjoy a walk around the animal farm and a great run around in the park.  


Tight rope CMcC
Tight rope CMcC
P3 girls Scallywally
P3 girls Scallywally
Rope walk LH
Rope walk LH
Climbing ropes p2 boys
Climbing ropes p2 boys
Walking rope AH
Walking rope AH
P3 Tannaghmore gardens
P3 Tannaghmore gardens
Slide DO'C
Slide DO'C
P2 Tannaghmore Gardens
P2 Tannaghmore Gardens
P3 girls swings GMcC LD
P3 girls swings GMcC LD
climbing frame
climbing frame
Monkey bars
Monkey bars
P3 girls on slide
P3 girls on slide
Girls swing RG p2
Girls swing RG p2
Swinging bridge MW
Swinging bridge MW