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St. Mary's Primary School, 123 Granemore Road Tassagh Armagh


2020/2021 School Year

19th Nov 2020
More photos to enjoy !
19th Nov 2020
Today we used number generators to learn all about tens and units.
19th Nov 2020
Today Gail, our PATHs  leader visited our class to take a lesson. We discussed...
18th Nov 2020
Children from Primary 5 created fantastic posters for Anti Bullying week. They...
18th Nov 2020
Children from Primary 5 created brilliant posters for Anti- Bullying week. They...
13th Nov 2020
For all the boys and girls who have completed all their work during the week we...
13th Nov 2020
Primary 4 know all about being kind to each other. Today’s art work was all...
12th Nov 2020
Primary 4 are working hard and having fun on their laptops. We are learning about...